
Not My Problem #2 (another awesome giveaway)

This giveaway is primarily for the ladies. I will never ever exclude men from a great opportunity to get something for free, however.

There is nothing worse than the feeling of stubble. As in hair that you wanted gone that is now growing back. As a runner, this can't be fun. If your legs are bristly and you're trying to slide your running tights on, doesn't it kind of feel... wrong? And if your armpits are bristly and you are wearing something sleeveless, this can't be comfortable when your arms are moving back and forth continuously for miles and miles. Should I even point out what it might feel like to have bikini area stubble poking through skin tight compression shorts?

I don't ever ever experience these issues. Ever. Not because I'm well put together and I never forget to maintain these areas. I'm not. Not because I'm super particular and I don't leave the house without ensuring that proper personal maintenance is complete. That would be too much pressure for me.

It's not my problem because of this:

I haven't touched a razor in ages. I have been using an Emjoi Epilator for about six years or so. I will never go back to razors.

Years ago, a different brand of epilators hit the market and (from what I read and what I remember- I was a bit young to really consider one of these) using it was pretty painful. Epilators have since been redesigned so that there is less discomfort when using them.

For those that don't know, the Emjoi Epilator is am electronically operated hair removal device. There's a series of little tweezer discs that roll and pull the hair from the root as you glide it across your skin.

Why is an epilator more convenient than a razor?
(these are my opinions only- based on my own experience)

1. You don't have to shave regularly. Hair takes weeks to grow back. Weeks. For real.
2. It pulls hair from the root so you get a truly smooth finish. Shaving never gets that close.
3. When hair grows back, it's finer. I remember the discomfort of stubble being more annoying that the fact that I didn't want visible stubble. So if you go a few days "over due" it's not uncomfortable the way it is when you slack on your shaving.
4. You won't cut yourself.
5. You don't need shaving cream or water.

What are some of the inconveniences of an epilator?
(again, just my opinions)

1. It takes longer than running a razor over your skin in the shower. (But you don't have to do it NEARLY as often.)
2. When you first transition to an epilator, it hurts. It takes some getting used to. If you're a big wuss when it comes to pain, you may want to keep your razor for days when you're not in the mood.
3. When you first transition from razor to epilator, you may have a few ingrown hairs. It's been so long since I shaved anything that I don't remember if this happens when you shave.
4. It's rather annoying to forget this thing at home when traveling. Disposable razors can be purchased anywhere for a couple of dollars. The lowest priced epilator that I know of is maybe $40... Big difference.
5. Your children will (if they know what this thing is) dare each other to try it. So you ought to keep it well concealed.

And once again, I love this product. I think everyone should try it. And so does Emjoi. So they're letting me give two away. Want one???

This is easy. Become a follower (if you aren't already) and reply with your favorite (not over-used and heard every five seconds) inspirational quote. It doesn't need to have anything to do with running. I'll pick two winners in a week.


  1. My favorite quote: "Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."

  2. I have several favorite quotes that of course I am BLANKING on right now when I need them most. Here goes one or two:
    It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare -Mark Twain
    To love and win is the best thing;to love and lose the next best -unknown
    btw, I am "subscribed" to your blog but I don't get any kind of email alerts/updates. I am supposed to, right?! Still new to this blog stuff. :)

  3. omg i am so lame, i figured out how to get on the email alert list...i just had to type in my email on the side bar! DUH!

  4. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Theodore Roosevelt. It's a total favorite of mine and I find it incredibly motivating! :) (and yes, I'm a follower!)

  5. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~T.S. Eliot

  6. "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem first make sure that you are not in fact just surrounding yourself with assholes" William Gibson

    Don't think somethings wrong with you just because people suck lol be yourself and be with people who make you happy

  7. awesome! favorite quote I heard recently "I didn't say it was going to be easy. I said it's going to be worth it."

    Also- I love the new layout of your page. Much easier to read.

  8. my favorite: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." And I'm dancing :)

  9. Everything happens for a reason,Live it,Love it,Learn from it!!
    Make your smile change the world,but don't let the world change your smile.

  10. My current favorite is: Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone should be.

  11. Loving your blog so far! I'm training for a marathon (though I should say, half first) and I can't wait to keep reading.

    Here's one of my favorite quotes ever- It's from the book, The Alchemist

    "It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting."
    Applies to every single thing you dream of ever doing... it's what we live for!

  12. That's the way it goes, but sometimes it goes the other way too. -Alabama Whorley - True Romance

  13. awesome quotes. congrats to the winners!
