
A Runderful Year.

Looking back at this year, I truly had a blessed year of running AND living- two things that are synonymous to me. Here's a nice little pictorial referencing some blog posts throughout the year. Another good bathroom/waiting room/I have nothing else in the world to read post. I'm definitely saving this one for myself to look back on when I'm an immobile old lady with a raised toilet seat and a cane.

December 2010:

Polar Bear 5 mile on the boardwalk in Asbury Park. It was turned into a 5k because of the massive snow storm that had started hours before the run began. I didn't take the plunge but I promise I will this year!


No races. I guess I am not that hard core. Here's what rules my life in the winter anyway:

Wrestling. Yes. All three of them. I'm sure I will whine about this year in another post about how they're in three different schools now, therefore, three different teams and three different matches. Sometimes more than one match a week for each son. (Oh and the best part- three different practice times!) Help.


Train-ing run. Jersey Shore Running Club had us hop on the train and take it to Spring Lake then run seven miles back to Asbury Park. Free beer and pizza at a great unique bar afterward.


Half Way to Brielle Day 5k. My older two and I ran. This is my PR 5k. For now. I love this race and will do it every year so long as my boys are willing. I wrote about this one in this post in March.

St. Paddy's Day 10 miler in Tighe Park in Freehold. PR race and possibly the first time I took the empowerment and encouragement I pour into my sons for myself. Yeah I wrote about that one too.

Rat Race 20k one week later. It wasn't really a race for me, but it was a good learning experience. My first trail race scrawling about the fear involved is here. I plan to do this race again, even though I am kind of over it.


Cherry Blossom Ten Mile in Washington DC. The best thing about this race was the way the website displayed your stats. It was the first time I was certain of what I have suspected all along: that I naturally run a negative split in most long-but-not-insanely-long distance races. The stats on the site also showed you where you were when the leader crossed the finish. That was good for a laugh...

Jersey Shore Marathon Relay. Super Heroes. We placed 3rd in the costume category. (still slightly bitter about that) 2 of my 3 sons ran and all three will run on my team next year.

The day after the relay the five of us got on a plane and flew to Las Vegas for a six day vacation with a dual purpose. This was better than any run.

We were married in a shady chapel in Vegas on April 21st. The boys had a blast.


Long Island Half Marathon. PR race- of course it was! Here's how.

RunAMuck team 5k at Washington Crossing. My husband's first race! Fun except that I was covered in poison ivy for weeks afterward. I may not do that one again...


Pre-Father's day 5k. This was the day before my first marathon. My oldest placed 3rd in his age group and my youngest PR'd. I ran alongside my youngest and he contributed to my marathon success the next day. My middle child was down the road at Little League Playoffs.

My first Marathon! Lake Placid NY. PR race!!! Yes it ended with 3 straight uphill climbs. I was elated. In spite of all the hills, it was my fastest marathon. Here's why.

The 1/2 Sauer 1/2 Kraut marathon two weeks later in Philadelphia, Pa at Pennypack Park. I did this to qualify for Marathon Maniacs. I finished and was helped into an ambulance. This was a dangerous stunt. But I'm proud that I took this as an opportunity to strip down in the heat and BEAR IT and I wrote about that for a different blog site here.


Undy 5000 5k for Colon Cancer Alliance. This was a great HOT race. Three first time racers joined my team. My proud excited ramblings about this race are here. Oh, and we won the costume category.


Nope. No races in August. And Hurricane Irene took part of my route away. Bummer.


All of my boys and I ran the 9/11 memorial run. Here are my younger two.

Boardwalk Relay for Hunger. We won costumes this time too. My younger boys ran 5k legs and my oldest volunteered as a race marshal along with my husband and our friends.


The Jersey Shore Half Marathon at Sandy Hook. No PR, but I sure as shit tried and wrote about it here.

Seaside Half marathon. I didn't run this one but a bunch of my friends did and I met them there to hold their stuff and take photos and cheer them on! And I'm extra mega proud of the girl in the center of the photo- this was her first half marathon at age seventeen.


Philadelphia Marathon. My third one this year. (And my third one EVER!) This one really hurt. I hated marathons at mile 24 and felt like I was never ever going to run another one again. Obviously, that changed. New Jersey marathon is next.

How many miles is that in races alone? This year was rich with triumph, humility, determination and love. And it's not over yet! I can't wait to see what next year brings.


  1. That's one hell of a year! Congratulations.

    I did a year in review type thing last year, but I think I'm going to borrow your idea and go with less text, more pictures. :-)

  2. Crazy year, its amazing how fast time flies though huh? And I know all about the wrestling, I did it for 7 years haha :) Here is to another year!
